Past Exhibitions
The Paranormal Realm:
Beyond the Lore
The Gallery at CCBC Essex
Oct. 14 - Nov. 15, 2024
Curator: Derek Pentz
Artists: Artists: Studio 5 Baltimore (Nicholas Rudolf & Richard Henneberry), Zenobia Darling, Jessi Hardesty, Alexa Hauck, Alisa Kleckner, Brixx Minguez, Megan Plummer, Ashley Reinhardt, and Linnea Tobert
In The Paranormal Realm: Beyond the Lore at The Gallery at CCBC Essex, curator Derek Pentz (aka Zenobia Darling) has invited a select group of talented artists and creatives to explore the question: is the paranormal realm more than just mythology and folklore?
The Gallery at CCBC Catonsville
April 22 - June 15, 2024
Reception: May 2, 4-8pm
Curator: Cathy Till
The Hottest Blaze in Town:
The Life of Fannie Belle Fleming
This exhibition delves into Blaze Starr's journey from her humble beginnings in West Virginia to her reign as the "Queen of Baltimore Burlesque." The exhibit highlights facets of her career not often explored - as an emancipated woman, one with considerable business acumen.
I don't dream of labor
The Gallery at CCBC Essex
March 18 - May 19, 2024
Receptions: October 21, 10am-12pm & 6pm-8pm
Healing Workshops: April 20, 12pm - 4pm
Curator: Mallory Kimmel
I don’t dream of labor is a collection of work by women artists and healing practitioners that undermines hustle culture through satire and provides space and resources to foster community around well-being.
Artists and Healers: Ama BE, Ama Chandra, Kathryn Cornelius, Nancy Daly, Chiara Francesca, ​Michelle Dubreuil Macek, Maria Porges, Shirin Towfiq, and Christine Wang