About the Exhibition
Online Only
“Images of Perseverance” was inspired by two things: the televised address by the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II and a Facebook comment; “Wasn’t it amazing to see a thoughtful, carefully worded speech?”
It was amazing. It was uplifting. It was comforting. And it was realistic.
It was exactly what needed to be said, and even though it came from the leader of another country, it is applicable for us in America.
Things are difficult and they are going to continue to be difficult. What it will take is time and perseverance to overcome. COVID-19 and the restrictions in place to contain it are having a major impact on our lives and livelihoods. Many are saying society may never be the same. It may not. We won’t know until we get on the other side of this outbreak.
We’re from a culture that does things. We handle situations by taking action. It is ingrained in the American spirit. The hardest thing for us to do is to wait, to keep still, so that others can do their jobs to help those in need.
I have been lucky. Most of my immediate family is able to telework. I have extended family, friends, and neighbors who are essential workers, who go out there every day. I worry about each of them, hope that they are well, and stay safe.
I try to take solace in that I am doing my part. Keeping at least 6 feet away from anyone outside my household. Staying home except for essential needs. Wearing PPE when I do have to leave the house or neighborhood for those essential trips.
The photographers in this exhibition have been documenting what they are doing and seeing as they do the same- go about their daily lives and take precautions to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Each has their own unique perspective and vision. Some focus on the things we take for granted; others have shared images of neighbors, friends, and family as they navigate the day-to-day. To borrow a phrase from one of the photographers (Jessica Leigh Deleon), images of the “the good and bad, the unique and the mundane.”
It is a documentary of an unprecedented time.
The new images from each of the photographers in this exhibition were posted every week from April 13th- May 10th.
As a part of the programming, the Galleries at CCBC encouraged the community to share their Covid-19 experiences by posting images with the #perseverepics on Instagram. Every week, the gallery staff reviewed the images under this hashtag and chose several to feature here on this website.
#perseverepics will continue until social distancing restrictions have been completely lifted.
I encourage you to share images of your experiences in #perseverpics. Follow the hashtag to see how we all are persevering, staying connected in isolation, and expressing solidarity.
- Nicole Buckingham Kern, curator