Silver Pearls by Napri Carrol
Silver pearls,
Black gold,
Trash is everywhere scattered.
Blond wigs,
White bags,
Masses of all of it scattered.
Masses of all of it scattered.
Everything ripped and tattered.
But none of this mess really matters.
My eyes do see ear do hear the wealth of it all gleams!
Possibilities, hopes, and dreams.
In this black sky the stars do sing.
The place where I should be.
Black bags, trash bags,
Everywhere dumped and scattered.
All around my world dumped and scattered.
All around my village, a broken place,
Where all hopes and dreams are all shattered.
Trash is all around but none of this really matter,
Because my eyes do see ears do hear, the wealth of it all that gleams
In these black skies where the stars do sing.

Books are also installed, in which the illustrations were used.

Nicole Buckingham Kern, working on book shelves for the exhibition.