Fab Lab Baltimore Showcase
Location: The Gallery at CCBC Catonsville
Exhibition Dates: September 16 - November 12, 2022
Reception Date: September 16, 6-8pm
Curator: Geniia Elliott
Artists: Mollye Bendell, Lisa Dillin, Sara Dittrich, Brennan Donovan, Geniia Elliott, John Lyons, Craig Newell, Maksym Prykhoko, and Michael Rubinstein

About the Exhibition
Curated by CCBC’s own Geniia Elliott (adjunct faculty - Digital Fabrication and 3D modeling), this exhibition displays the work of community members, educators, local artists, inventors, and engineers who use the Fab Lab Baltimore technology to complete their projects and artwork.
Fab Lab Baltimore (fablabbaltimore.org) is a valuable resource that the Community College of Baltimore County offers to the students and surrounding community. Located on the Catonsville campus, the Fab Lab is a non-profit digital fabrication lab offering state of the art technology to create three-dimensional products. From 3D printers to laser cutters, this lab offers the opportunity to bring ideas to life that otherwise might stay a sketch on a napkin.
Beginning as an outreach project through MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, the lab opened in 2011 and continues to expand and update their machines and technology. All the artwork in the exhibit was created using the Fab Lab Baltimore. By becoming a resource for creators, the Fab Lab has made it possible for the artists in this exhibition to experiment and push their artwork by integrating the techniques and technology CCBC offers.